Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Vin's Valentine (an Organic Nature short)

My youngest kiddo is twenty today. I'm officially no longer a parent of a teenager. Wow. Feels like a milestone.

Had a long week of work projects but got a decent amount of television viewing done also. Sometimes running in the background and other times when I needed to shut my brain off for a while.

I caught two more episodes of The Alaska Triangle. Skagway featured as a gold-rush ghost town and an island with a possible colony of bigfoot ended up being really interesting.

Watched two episodes of The Muppets. The show is growing on me, which is kind of moot since it's only a single season, I believe.

Enjoyed two episodes of Harrow. I'm very intrigued by the backstory mystery. I want to know who Harrow is protecting because I don't buy into the idea he's the culprit. I'm leaning toward Fern at the moment.

Caught two episodes of Peak Practice. I'm liking season seven even if it's kind of messy at the moment. I also rather love the new doctor.

Dove into two more MasterClass lessons with Es Devlin. I love the way she describes her process and how she encourages collaboration. I think I'm going to love this class.

Started The Witcher: Nightmares of the Wolf and didn't finish it. I'm not in the right head space for the animation right now. I'll pick it back up at some point.

Enjoyed two episodes of Classic Rugrats. This is one of my background shows. I can put an episode on and enjoy while I'm digging into something else. I needed that this week.

Watched two episodes of Chicago Med. I'm very interested in the episode titles and like how they're all part of a theme. This show is so good.

I'm almost finished with the first season of Snoopy in Space. This is another background show that I can put on and enjoy when I need a break. The episodes are a quick ten minutes and very fun to watch.

Caught another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. I'll probably finish this show up and then have to wait impatiently for a new season. My one singular critique of this show is having Gina be so clueless about Mike's disinterest. It's been seven seasons and I kind of wish they'd address that dynamic at some point.

Started a new season of Silent Witness and while there's no Harry anymore, I like the changes. Should be fun to follow along now.

Finished up an arc of Classic Who and will usher in a new season this week. I'll be interested to see where the show goes from here.

Started a new mystery show with Paranoid and thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. I'll enjoy diving into this one.

That's pretty much it for the weekly update. Tonight's post is from Vin's Valentine, an Organic Nature sexy short.

Here's the mini-blurb:

After Eppie revealed her kinkier side to Vin, their trust and bond is deeper and better than ever. But there's someone else who knows how Eppie likes to play and he's hell-bent on worming his way back into her life.

And a snippety peek…

Shit. Eppie hated Jordan for getting inside her head.

She sighed. "Okay, it is a fair question but I don't like it. I don't want to talk about him." The nasty taste would stay in her mouth all night if she did.

Vin took her hands and led her to the chair. "Okay, why not talk about why he's here?" He settled on the couch.

Eppie shook her head. "He's not. I told you, I sent him packing." Her hands twisted with frustration.

Vin gave her a pointed look. "All right, why was he here?" His brown arched.

Eppie hemmed and hawed, not wanting to even think about Jordan's lame attempt at begging forgiveness. "Well … um … he …" She finally snapped her mouth shut.

Vin huffed out a breath. "He wants another chance, right?"

Eppie shrugged. "Doesn't matter. He's not getting one. I love you, Vin. Jordan has an agenda but he won't reveal it until he's ready." And, no doubt, his true reason for showing up would be something vile and rage-inducing.

Vin brow furrowed. "So what? Is there a rule book that says we have to play things his way?"

Eppie blinked. "Well, no. What did you have in mind?" And why didn't think of turning the tables instead of falling into the black void that sucked everything up whenever Jordan blew up her life?

Vin gave her a wide smile. "Find out why he's here."

Eppie liked the idea. "How?"

Vin pulled out his phone. "I'll do some digging and you … maybe play along, see if he'll reveal anything." He typed a quick list on his screen.

Eppie's eyes went wide. "You'd be okay with that? You'd trust me?" She leaned forward in the chair.

Vin grabbed her hands. "Never about not trusting you, Ep. Or even Nash, although it's a given he shouldn't be." He sighed and let go to stand and pace back and forth. "I trust you and always will. If you wanted Jordon, you would've acted on the attraction. You didn't." He paused and faced her. "I stopped you earlier and asked if he was still with you because the guy hurt you. And seeing him again might have brought up some unresolved issues…" He trailed off and shrugged.

Eppie loved him even more for being concerned. She got up and grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs to the bedroom. "Okay, maybe there are some twinges. But they're not romantic ones." How could she explain? "I hate that I basically slinked away and didn't fight harder to get back what I invested with him." Even now it made her angry. "I pretty much gave him permission to keep the money because I said nothing at all."

And didn't that make her stupid?

I love how Eppie and Vin work through and resolve potential challenges. This couple is so much fun to write.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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