Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Zanzibar Blues

Well, hello May. I'm not quite sure where April went but it's nice to have a nice shiny new month to get started.

Had a very busy work week with lots of movement on my projects. I'm finalizing a few and getting ready to start new ones. I love having a full calendar!

Kind of a slow week for television. The weather got a little nicer and I tried to take advantage of getting outside for a while.

I watched an episode of Peak Practice and it ended up being really good. I think there might end up being a new doctor coming to the practice, which will make things interesting.

Caught another MasterClass with Neil deGrasse Tyson. He spoke of cultural bias and I ended up getting a lot out of the lesson.

Got another episode of Young Wallander: Killer's Shadow in and pieces started falling into place. I loved the reveal at the end of the episode and can't wait to see what happens next. I have a feeling Kurt is going to be on the hot seat through no fault of his own this time.

Enjoyed another episode of The Ready Room. Anthony Rapp is such a fun interviewee to watch and he offered up some great insight into his character.

Watched another episode of Chicago Med and found it kind of interesting. I really love how the episode title tends to be a through line for the whole episode.

Caught another episode of The Snoopy Show and enjoyed it. The three or four vignettes are a lot of fun.

Got another episode of Cuffs in and should be close to the final episode of the season. I'm kind of interested to where they end up leaving things for the characters.

Started season eighteen of Silent Witness and ended up loving it. There's a bit of a different vibe this season and I like how the characters are interacting. I can safely say I really don't like Thomas's wife and I'm kind of hoping there's not going to be a lot of his personal drama. That said, I totally get his concern for his daughter.

Watched another episode of Classic Who and I'm liking how this arc is moving along. Even though the budget for Seven's turn as the Doctor is kind of lacking, the actors do a darn good job with what they have.

Enjoyed another episode of The Laundry Guy. I'm truly hoping there will be more episodes of this show. If not, I guess I can scour YouTube to see if there's anything else with Patric.

Last but not least, I watched the finale of Hawkeye. Really happy with how the season ended. I loved the three-way conclusions and the intermingling with the LARPers. I so hope there will be more of them if another season ends up happening.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Zanzibar Blues, a novella that puts the characters in a tenuous situation and they have to rely on each other to solve a big problem.

Here's the mini-blurb:

When Higg Astley is brought in for a clean-up job, maintaining order over a raucous and rowdy crowd, in a roadside tavern, his first goal is to keep the house singer, Liberty Vans, from partaking in the nightly brawl. No easy feat when Liberty is the surrogate daughter of the man who owns the bar.

And a snippety peek…

Higg Astley hated working strip clubs, but couldn't say no to the money. He had things in hand and could probably turn the reins over to the head bouncer, who would become the lead. Higg mainly hung around because he didn't have anything else lined up.

A tall man entered the club and took a long look around.

Higg narrowed his eyes. "Hmm. Not a regular." He took the guy's measure.

Not the usual type of client. Could be big money. Could be trouble. But the man didn't have the cagey vibe most of the guys gave off.

The guy approached Higg at his post, the column between the stage, the bar, and the entrance. "Higgins Astley?"

Higg gave a nod. "I go by Higg." Only his mom called him Higgins.

The man flashed a smile. "I'm Marko Rivera." He thrust his hand forward.

Higg clasped his palm and immediately liked the guy. Good, firm handshake with no posturing asshole ambiance.

Marko jerked his chin upward. "You've done a nice job here." His gaze traveled the length of the stage but didn't linger.

Definitely not here for the show.

Higg nodded. "It was a challenge, but we finally got the guys to stop trying to jack off in the men's room and the girls can exit the building and cross the street without worrying they'll be manhandled." Amazing what kicking some ass could do.

Marko met Higg's gaze. "You have anything lined up after this?" His stance shifted and he propped a shoulder against the column.

Higg assessed the man again. No nonsense but a soft heart. "Not yet. You lookin' to clean a place up?" The timing couldn't be better.

Marko grunted. "I am, but you'll need full disclosure. Can we meet someplace when you're through here?"

Higg lifted two fingers and Doug Namin left his post at the door to make his way around the main stage. Barker Smith quickly took over duty by the door. A third man moved to Smith's former position.

Marko smiled. "You've trained your men well." His head bobbed up and down.

Higg shot him a sideways glance. "They're not my men. Owner wanted to keep his staff." A wise choice … they were good people.

Doug approached. "Need something, boss?"

Higg clapped him on the shoulder. "You're the boss now, Doug. It's time I moved on."

A wide grin spread across Doug's face. "Thanks, Higg. We'll keep everyone in line." He nodded toward the back area. "You all settled up with Rudy?" Bolland, the strip club owner.

Higg raised his chin. "Last week. Tell him I said you're good to go." He turned toward Marko. "I'm through here. There's a place around the corner. Serves coffee and it's quiet." Had decent pie also.

Marko flashed another smile. "Sounds perfect."

Higg followed the man out with a gut feeling they'd end up getting to know each other well.

I have so much love for this story. Marko is making a wise decision to bring Higg into a nasty situation and Higg is going to have his hands very full.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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