Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Snippet: A Golden Moment

We've had the most insane weather this week. Three days in the high sixties and low seventies then a thirty degree drop on Friday with rain, rain, rain, followed by another dip in temperature and snow in an area not far from where I live. I predict a lot of people will end up with upper respiratory issues in the near future.

Had a very busy week with work projects. The two I've been working on are both wrapping up and we're down to the final tweaks and polishing. I've thoroughly enjoyed both and I'm looking forward to a small break to get some additional things accomplished around the house.

I didn't watch much of anything this week, mainly because I needed the quiet focus again. I did get most of the way through Resisting Roots and I started Enola Holmes 2. I have so much love for this movie!

I also got an episode of Star Trek: Discovery in. I'm thrilled everyone is back together and I love the changing dynamic of the characters. Looking forward to seeing more of this season.

I'll hopefully be back to a partially normal viewing schedule in the next week. I also found a streaming service that has a classic television network I've been missing for the past three or so years. I'll be giving that a whirl soon.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from A Golden Moment, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

A group of friends sets up Pam Yardley and Desmond Hyde with prospective dates, hoping to get the last two remaining single friends into committed relationships. Pam and Desmond aren't enthusiastic but only because each harbors feelings for the other but neither want to ruin their long-standing camaraderie. When their friends start pushing for serious commitment between the two couples, Pam and Desmond finally have a heart-to-heart about the future they really want.

And a snippety peek…

"Pam! Hold up!" Monica Wells hoofed it across the school parking lot, weaving between cars. "Pammy! You'll never believe the news I have."

Pam Yardley arched her brows. "Considering you're speaking in exclamation points, it better be good." She laughed at her friend's antics.

Monica rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha." She leaned in. "Listen, I just set you up with the most awesome guy. I don't know why I didn't think of doing this sooner."

An awesome guy she didn't think of sooner? Could she mean Desmond Hyde? That news would make Pam's day.

Wary, but hopeful, she eyed Monica. "Okay, who is this incredible man you should've matched me with sooner?" Please let it be Des.

Monica waggled her eyebrows. "Paul Harrison. He's meeting you at Bobby Ques for dinner at seven." Her feet did a happy jig.

Pam narrowed her gaze. "Is Paul the new tech guy at the fire academy? The one James keeps talking about?" Monica's husband hired Paul so he didn't have to deal with the headache of running the state fire instruction school and keeping the computer system up to date.

Monica squealed. "Yes. That's him. He's settled in at the academy and his new apartment and he's ready to have a social life." She propped her hip on Pam's car. "He's a lot of fun and since you're both single, James thought you two would be perfect for each other." She grinned. "Of course, I agreed and when Paul answered the phone in James's office, I figured it was kismet and suggested he meet you for dinner."

Pam widened her eyes. "And what if I have plans?" She didn't really, only paper that needed grading.

Monica snorted. "You don't. It's Thursday, which means you're going to grade papers and plan next week's lessons so you'll have the weekend free." She folded her arms over her chest. "You can grade the papers before and after dinner and do you lesson plan during lunch tomorrow." Her lower lip jutted out. "Please say you'll go. Paul has to be tired of hanging out with me and James."

Pam laughed. "I doubt that. More like he needs a break from your overwhelming, but loving, attempts to keep him entertained." She sobered ... because she didn't want to lead Paul on. "It's just dinner, right? I mean, you didn't promise him a wedding in the near future or anything?" With Monica, no one could be certain.

Monica's gaze slid sideways. "A wedding? No. But I did mention you've been single for forever and you don't have any ex-husbands or boyfriends he should be concerned about."

Pam sighed. "That's by choice, Mon. Not that I don't want to find someone to share my life with, but after Chad … well, I'm very picky." And a blind-date setup wouldn't be her first choice in finding a someone.

Desmond Hyde, however, would. The only problem there? He happened to be James's best friend and if they did hook up and things didn't work out…

Monica clicked her tongue against her teeth. "Chad Harlow is an ass and we rightfully cut ties with him. No one cheats on my best friend and lives to tell the tale."

Pam loved Monica's fierce support. "Of course he does. He just doesn't work in the same school district anymore because he moved halfway across the state." Word traveled fast through their circle of friends and Chad decided to cut his losses and move on.

He also ended up being stranded at the altar by the woman he cheated on Pam with.

Monica waved her hand between them. "Whatever. He's dead to me and that's all that matters." Her gaze turned pleading. "You'll meet Paul, won't you?"

Bobby Ques did happen to be Pam's favorite restaurant. The owner, Robert Quinn, made the absolute best barbeque on the planet. And, if nothing else, Pam could introduce Paul to the marvelous cuisine.

She gave a nod. "Yeah, I'll meet him." She held up a hand when Monica started clapping. "But only for dinner. Don't start planning a couples' vacation over summer break." If she didn't nip that idea in the bud now, her best friend would have them sharing a room for their annual two-week trip to the condo on the beach.

Monica smirked. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Pam rolled her eyes. "Yes, you would. But let's wait until I actually meet him before you start waving your magic wand, okay?"

Monica hugged her. "Fine. But you're going to like him. I know you will." She let Pam go and stepped away. "I'll let you head out so you can get started on grading those papers." With a waggle-fingered wave, she trotted back across the parking lot.

Pam shook her head. "What am I getting into here?" She popped her door open and slid inside her car with a chuckle. "Better question would be what's Monica getting me into?" Starting the engine, she backed out of her space and headed for the exit, her mouth already watering for barbeque.

This story is barely more than a scene or two at the moment, but it's fun to write. I love having friends who mean well but sometimes miss the forest for the trees.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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