Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Level Need (a VC Security Solutions novella)

Had a busy week with a new work project landing in my inbox. It's a holiday novel and I'm so excited because I love editing holiday stories! I'm also working on a proofread, which is a nice complement to a copy edit.

Had a slow week of viewing due to another loss of a relative. 2023 has been a rough year for the older generation in my family. I hope the final months are loss free.

I did watch the premiere episode of Cannes Confidential and thoroughly enjoyed it! It's got intrigue and charm and the cast is stellar. Looking forward to the next episode.

Also caught another episode of the Madame Blanc Mysteries. I'm slightly disappointed in the angst factor between the main characters but I'll roll through and see what happens. Very excited Gloria has a new guy even if he's competition for Dom.

Watched an episode of Peak Practice and found it kind of interesting. I liked getting some additional screen time for the deaf characters introduced earlier. Also kind of liked Andrew figuring out what he doesn't want.

Started a new two-part Silent Witness and, wow, this one had some twists and a heartbreaking scene that I almost couldn't watch. Kind of looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Caught another Death in Paradise. Enjoyed the guys trying to avoid bringing Richard in on the case while he was down with a tropical fever but loved that they ended up doing it anyway.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Level Need, a novella in the VC Security Solutions series.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Dita Burgess and Newton Malley work for a private security company and end up giving into a long-burning attraction and spending the night together. But when Dita gets a call to bring an asset in—one she made a promise to and cares deeply for—the happy beginning she has with Newton is in jeopardy.

And a snippety peek…

Dita Burgess rolled to her side and cupped her lover's face. "I've been called back. Are you sure you won't leave with me?" She had less than an hour to get out of the vicinity before law enforcement arrived.

Sean Rigby shook his head. "Can't. If I bail now, I'm a dead man." His hand brushed over the curve of her hip. "'Sides, more important for me to stick around and do some clean up. Maybe get this club into legitimate operations." He palmed her ass.

Dita waffled on taking the time to get one last steamy sex session in or extract herself now. She'd been living in Sean's pocket almost from the moment she crossed the threshold of the Blow Torch's bar almost a year ago. From that moment, they'd been inseparable, and he'd given her the access she needed to get the goods on the trafficking the motorcycle club did on the side.

She nuzzled his throat. "I wish you didn't have to stick around. The blowback on this is going to stick to all of you." The bar doubled as the motorcycle club's base of operations.

Sean shrugged. "Better I do. I'm not involved in the illegal shit like my uncle. Me and Pop stay on the up and up, running the welding business." He frowned. "The only reason we're members of the MC is because Uncle Jack insisted." His hands caught her face and tilted her chin up. "You're the only person who's ever looked past the surface to see what lies underneath." His lips meshed with hers. "I love you for that."

Her eyes welled, but she didn't let the tears fall. "You made it easy. And I promise if you're ever ready to bail on this life, I'll help you start a new one." She met his skeptical gaze. "I mean it, Rig. One call and I'll arrange a meet with a new identity and enough cash to start over wherever you want." She could do no less for him.

Sean grunted. "And you'll what? Leave everything behind and go with me?" His lips twisted in a wry smirk.

Dita laced her fingers with his. "Not much holding me here. I'd be happy to walk off into the sunset with you." And she would … because he'd given her something she hadn't had since the age of ten.

A place to call home.

She'd lucked into her job with VC Security Solutions after meeting the owner's daughter while doing community service. Dita didn't have any solid connections with the firm yet. She only had weekly check-ins by phone and monthly in-person meetings when possible. And, okay, she'd broken the number one rule of her training. Do not get personally involved with the informants.

Her timing might suck, but when did it not? Her entire life had been a series of misfortunes, almost theres, and too close to call situations. Sean liked how she'd seen past the surface to the real man underneath. Well … she loved him for giving her his trust and protection—the first time anyone had freely offered both.

Sean brought her hand up to his mouth and brushed his lips over her knuckles. "You better go or you'll get snatched up with the rest of us." He reached down and grabbed her clothes.

Dita slid from the bed and quickly dressed. "Promise me you'll call when you're ready to ghost on this place." She shoved her feet into her boots and picked up her bag.

Sean's lips curved into a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Not gonna make a promise I might not keep. But I'll try to call if I'm ever free to do so." He didn't say it might be years … but the reality hung there between them.

Dita leaned down and caught his mouth in a hard kiss. "If you call, I'll come to you … no matter where." She straightened and backed toward the door, unwilling to look away until she had to.

He lifted his chin in farewell then grabbed his shirt and yanked it over his head then picked up his pants. No doubt he didn't want to be cuffed and dragged out without a stitch on. When he reached for his boots, Dita finally twisted the knob and made her way out through the bar. Her training kicked in and she clocked the members that were present on her way to the back door. When she cleared the alley and headed across the street, she dug out her phone, hitting the speed dial. The call got picked up before the first ring went all the way through.

Dita kept her gaze straight ahead when she spoke into the device. "I'm clear. Target's on sight." She ended the call … and her first assignment for VC Security Solutions.

I'm not quite sure where this story is going to go, but I love the extra wrinkle of having the main character fall for someone who isn't her endgame.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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