Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Late Summer Engagement (an Organic Nature short)

Well, it's been a week. I hit a slump even though I got a lot accomplished. Not sure why I ended up being so distracted, but I struggled to stay focused on anything.

Had a very slow viewing week, probably due to being randomly distracted by everything.

I watched another episode of Strangest Things and enjoyed the artifacts featured. This show makes interesting connections when they're trying to figure out what something is.

Caught a Death in Paradise marathon, which ended up being fun to watch. I'm still doing a full watch in chronological order, but fun to have a whole day of great episodes.

Enjoyed another episode of Battlestar Galactica. We finished up the first half of season two and during our discussion we remembered how long we had to wait for the next half, especially because the episode kind of ends on something of a cliffhanger. And there were so many great moments in this episode!

I planned to start Cannes Confidential this week but ended up being too distracted. I'll be watching it in the very near future and will post my reaction next week.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Late Summer Engagement, an Organic Nature short for the month of August.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Vin's ready to spend his life with Eppie, but he's not sure she wants to be the marrying kind. Instead of proposing, he suggests something a little different. As usual, Eppie surprises him with her response.

And a snippety peek…

Eppie traced her fingers over the new latticework Vin installed. "What are you trying to teach me, Gram?" She settled on one of the rebuilt benches.

A soft breeze fluttered through the arbor. The wind chimes tinkled in the corner.

Eppie glanced up. "You like it, don't you?" Her palms brushed over the smooth, sanded surface. "My man does excellent work."

Vin did the sanding by hand with loving care. He wanted to save as much of the original as possible.

The ribbons hanging from the pergola danced and bounced. Eppie's lips quirked at the sight—almost as if her grandmother granted her approval.

Eppie closed her eyes and let her mind drift. An image of fall flowers and fairy lights surrounding the finished arbor took shape and rows of seating filled the space between the house and the quiet sanctuary. Eppie smiled. The setting would be lovely for a wedding.

Her eyes snapped open. "A wedding?" Surely that's not what Gram means.

Then again, why wouldn't she?

Eppie didn't have to shut her eyes to envision Vin in a dark suit standing in the center of the arched area. She pictured it clearly in her mind. He'd have a huge smile and love in his eyes when she walked up to meet him.

A wedding. Geez.

A small shudder went through Eppie at the thought. She loved Vin with her whole heart. And he loved her. She didn't doubt his commitment or his motivation for being with her.

But why couldn't they just share their lives?

The breeze swirled around her sending ripples through the hanging ivy, creating dappled shadows on the ground.

Eppie chuckled. "I know, Gram. Because neither of us has actually said that's what we want to do." Living together and sharing space didn't mean actually living together with the intention of forever.

Maybe it's time to make that official.

Eppie's brain finished out the scene. There would be family and friends, food and fellowship, and the future fanning out before them.

She took a moment to commit the picture to memory. "Now to convince Vin…" A nervous frisson snaked down her spine.

What if he hates the idea?

This part of Eppie and Vin's story is still taking shape. There's still a question of will they or won't they get married … or possibly choose an alternative unique to them.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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