Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Trapping Flies with Honey

Washing machine update. The new washer got here and I'm happy to say the mountain of clothes is now a manageable pile. It's amazing!

Coffeemaker update. The new one arrived and it's a combo single cup or full pot. I love it. Here's hoping my caffeine habit doesn't trash this one in under a year.

Another crazy-busy work week. I finished up the mystery and the romance copy edits and started a cozy mystery. Also continued with novella edits. Had a couple of calls about two or three new projects. I'm excited! I also managed to get some good writing in for myself. A good week!

I didn't get much of anything watched on my viewing schedule. I did a LOT of social media scrolling, especially after Biden stepped aside and endorsed Kamala Harris for the democratic nomination. That's unexpected and exciting. Also spent a lot of time shaking my head over the GOP nomination for vice president. It's going to be an interesting couple of months.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Trapping Flies with Honey, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

Acer Prewitt has a sweetheart deal—a busy roadside cafe the community loves and hometown girl, Mazzy Blume, as his current flame and event manager. When a newcomer sets her sights on taking Mazzy's place, Acer gives Mazzy space to handle the situation but also offers a solid piece of advice—instead of ripping the other woman a new one trip her up with kindness.

And a snippety peek…

Mazzy stormed into Acer's office. "Did you tell Jerica she could head-up the St. Patrick's Day event?" Anger rolled off her in waves.
Acer's brows drew together. "After the success we've had with the other holiday-themed parties?" He set his pen aside. "Do I look stupid enough to wreck a good thing? Or dumb enough to piss you off?" His eyes narrowed. "Why would you think I'd do that?" He never went out of his way to pique her temper.
Her shoulders slumped. "I have no idea. She made it sound convincing." Heaving a sighing growl, she started for the door.
Acer got up and caught her before she could leave. "Hold up. What's the plan, Mazz?" He wouldn't have his top employee making a scene.
Mazzy snarled. "To smash her face on the nearest surface." Her eyes flashed. "She buzzes around like fly, dropping shit presents wherever she lands." Another growling sound came from her throat. "And this time, she's trying to snag not only my regular customers, but my holiday specials, too. I'm done. No more free passes."
He understood her frustration and annoyance. After all, he'd hired Jerica Malone. He wisely wouldn't point out that Mazzy begged him to bring in more help for the diner.
His palm slid down her arm to clasp her fingers. "Look, Mazz, it's time to step in. I only stayed out of the way because you asked me to." He tugged her toward the small couch in the corner. "I'm not having any more of this crap … from either of you." He nudged her down and settled beside her.
Mazzy shook her head. "No. You're not getting involved." Her head hit the back of the cushion. "But you're right. This ends today. I need a plan."
Acer's lips quirked. "Here's a plan. Be nice." He waited for her inevitable explosion.
Her head snapped up. "Are you serious?"
He nodded. "I am. My great-gram used to say flies like honey. So … you need to be sweet and kind and knock her down with it." Junie Prewitt rarely failed to get what she wanted in life. "Jerica wants you to engage. When you won't…" He shrugged.
The other girl would get bored and fall in line or she'd get mad and quit. At this point, he almost didn't care which.
Mazzy tilted her head to one side. "Huh. That just might work." She angled sideways and leaned in close to him. "You might be a brilliant genius." Her mouth caught his in a quick, hard kiss.
He laughed. "Good to know you appreciate more than my dick."
Mazzy rolled her eyes. "You know how much I love your ass, too. Right?" She smirked and waggled her eyebrows. "I can show you how much both mean to me when we get home tonight." She got up and started for the door again in a much better frame of mind.
Acer grinned. A disaster avoided and a hot romp in bed all but promised. Not a bad outcome.

This story is so much fun. It's in the early stages and Mazzy is such a treat to write.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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