Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday Snippet: A Rustic Affair

Well, hello there, June. To be honest, considering it's only the second day of the month, June isn't starting off too badly. We're actually having a spring in Ohio and it's oddly unsettling. LOL

Not a bad week of television viewing. Finished up the second episode of Banshee and started on the third of the first season. I want to search around and see if the mini-episodes of the origin storyline are available. Definitely filled in some blanks.

Caught two additional episodes of Blue Heelers and started a third. I really do enjoy this show a lot.

I'm almost finished with Chicago Fire's seventh season. I'm up to episode eighteen. I loved the focus on luck and also the interaction with Severied and Foster. Great to see Donna again too.

Gotta say, I'm actually pretty satisfied with Iron Fist's season finale. Well, I guess it's more of a series finale and I freely admit that disappoints me. That said, I'm thrilled with the potential for what could have been the third season's story elements. Misty ended up in a good place even if she's not completely certain where her career is going to take her. Joy and Walker could have some terrific potential for figuring themselves out. Colleen, quite simply, kicks ass no matter what she does. But the best part is where Danny and Ward ended up… on the adventure of a lifetime to figure out what their roles are in the big picture of life. So… I would have been thrilled and happy as hell to have a third season but I'm very okay with how the show ended this iteration of itself.

Caught the camping trip episode of Classic Roswell. I remembered this one and Kyle's snark coming out if full force was so much fun. I also enjoyed the interaction with Jim and his dad. Considering the episode is all about fathers, it was a great piece of the puzzle.

Watched the second episode of Frankie Drake and enjoyed it. The show feels different this season and that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'll see how the rest of the season goes.

Caught another episode of Riverdale and, man, it's so… poignant to see Luke Perry on screen. Being behind like I am, I've had time to deal with the loss of the actor but I haven't had the chance to deal with losing the character on the show… because it hasn't happened yet.

Arrow's episode ended up being excellent! Nice to finally have Black Star's name and to know her relationship with Oliver, Felicity, and William. Have to admit, my heart kind of broke when William decided to leave with his grandparents. And… I'm going to miss this show so much when it's over!

Watched the penultimate episode of The Murders and it definitely didn't disappoint. I'm excited to see if this show returns. I'm crossing my fingers because I really love the cast and the storylines.

Discovered I didn't watch the penultimate episode of Painkiller Jane. I'd forgotten this had a full season of twenty-two episodes. I'm ready to see what else happens now.

Caught the third episode of Durham County and, yeah, still dark. I truly love the character dynamics and watching Mike kind of fail at holding shit together is compelling. There's a very fine line he has to walk to stay sympathetic and so far the actor is pulling it off.

Midsomer Murders had a good episode featuring Jones in a way I haven't seen him before. I like it. Looking forward to another episode this week.

Caught two more episodes of Peter Gunn and Classic Who. I started the Gunfighters arc and it's not bad at all.

Watched two episodes of In the Dark and both were excellent. Good to see more of Darnell's story and I really like the detective and the bartender maybe getting together. As usual, I'm on the fence with Murphy… just when I get so damn pissed off at her, she had a moment of clarity or remorse and shows her softer side. I'm definitely intrigued and can't wait for another episode.

Caught another episode of Blade and remembered it from the first time around. Watching Krista deal with her mom kind of kicked hard and watching Chase completely screw over the pureblood did not surprise at all. Just saying.

And that's pretty much it for this week. Tonight's post is from A Rustic Affair, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt of "building a house". I put a small spin on the idea and made it renovating a house.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Necia Sands and Falcon Seaver, two mercenaries for hire who finally retire from the life, try to settle down. Being opposites draws them together, but it also makes them clash over simple things—like finding the right place to live.

And a snippety peek…

Necia Sands shot a sideways glance toward her companion. "Kind of off the beaten path, aren't we?" The jeep jostled over another rut.
Falcon Seaver lifted his chin. "Yep. All told, there's fifteen acres out here. Limited access but great to settle on." He bounced on the seat when he hit another deep groove in the road. "The basics are handled. Water. Sewage. Electric and solar hookups." He made a sharp turn and the road smoothed out a little.
Necia studied him a long moment. After pulling ten years apiece in the covert undercover world, retirement almost seemed surreal. Mainly because not many people in their line of work actually got to retire. Necia couldn't quite get a solid read on Falcon's mindset… and she spent her working years reading people like books.
Tilting her head to one side, she gave him another measured glance. "Don't you think this is a little too much like literally being put out to pasture?" Okay, the craggy landscape didn't resemble a huge field, but still…
Fifteen acres in the middle of nowhere? She couldn't quite picture them spending a long time here.
Falcon rolled a shoulder. "Maybe. But I like the solitude." His face went tense and dark for a moment before relaxing again.
Okay, Necia got his need for calm. They'd lived on the edge for a long time. Ate, breathed, and slept dangerous situations for a paycheck.
So… solitude soothed the soul and eased the heavy burden of doing shit normal people wouldn't dream of doing.
Necia liked a little crazy in her life. Falcon fit the bill—especially in bed—but she craved noise and excitement out of the sack, too. Good thing she loved him with everything she had or she'd be running for the nearest urban area in a flash.
Falcon stopped the SUV and cut the engine. Necia cocked her head, leaning closer to the open window. The sound of crashing waves filled her ears.
She turned, facing him. "Is that the ocean?" A spark of interest caught fire and licked through her system.
He flashed a grin and popped his door open. "Yep." He stepped out, his booted feet crunching on the gravel surface of the road.
She scrambled out behind him on the driver's side. "How close?" She could practically experience the pull of the water.
Falcon grabbed her hand and led her down a path to the edge. "Pretty close" He wrapped his arms around her.
Huge rocks made up the shoreline and the choppy water ebbed and flowed, creating a chorus of crashing cymbal-like sounds. Necia breathed deeply, letting the salty air fill her lungs.
She leaned into his embrace. "It's incredible." Started to see the possibilities of being out here.
Falcon smiled. "Thought you'd like it." He stepped away and nodded toward the road. "The owner is a former client who owes me for an off-the-books job. I called in the marker and he offered this parcel of land as payment." Fishing a set of keys out of his pocket, he dangled them between his fingers. "The house is up that way about another mile. It's a modern design but pretty rustic. Hasn't been lived in for at least two decades."
Necia's head whipped around. "There's a house?" He should've led with that information.
Falcon pointed along the cliff edge. "I can show you. We've got access." The keys jangled in his palm.
Necia narrowed her eyes. "Two decades, huh? There's a reason you showed me the beach first, isn't there?"
Falcon's grin went wide and he started back toward the SUV.
Necia followed, shaking her head. "You don't fool me one bit, mister."
But the idea of a house, free and clear, kicked the spark of interest up another notch.

I'm having so much fun with this story. The outline is complete and I love where things are going.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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