Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Running Dialog

Where on earth did the month of May go? I realize I noted it was almost over last week, but, honestly, I feel like I blinked and the week flew by.

Another so-so week of television viewing. I had a lot on my calendar and needed to do some serious focusing while working. I did get some quality viewing in.

I started and finished the third episode of Blue Heelers. I like it. The cast is pretty stellar and the storylines are fun for me.

Caught Arrow's emerald archer episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm going to miss this show so much when it's over next season. I'm really hoping some of the cast stays available to do the crossover episodes in the Arrowverse.

Watched another episode of The Murders. This show… I'm very into it. It's not really a shipping kind of show but I'd be totally down with Nolan and Kate hooking up. It would add an interesting layer to their partnership.

Watched what I think is the penultimate episode of Painkiller Jane. One episode left then it's on to a new show on The Roku Channel.

Caught another episode of Durham County. Man, this show is dark. Which I like, don't get me wrong. I spend most of the episode wanting something terrible to happen to Ray Prager. The guy is just… creepy. I'm really hoping to find out why he hates his own kid so much.

Watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. The first episode of series fifteen ended up being terrific. James Callis played twins, one an arrogant jerk and one a rather affable guy… until the murderer is revealed. Great episode.

Caught two more episodes of Peter Gunn. I'd seen both already but they were pretty good so I didn't mind watching again at all.

Watched two more episodes of Doctor Who and finished out The Ark storyline. Looking forward to starting a new group of shows.

Into the Dark's third episode was… pretty good. There are times when the awkward mess Murphy makes of her life is hard to watch but I think that's part of the reason I like the show so much. She's so prickly and obnoxious but she's also got a softer side that she has no idea what to do with.

Started episode two of my Banshee rewatch and I'll have more to discuss next week.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Running Dialog, a sexy short that got its start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Margo Miln and Del Lamberto, two of the remote outpost's best medics, argue all the time. Sometimes their rapid fire disagreements can be a pain… and occasionally their lively discussions lead to truly awesome things.

And a snippety peek…

"Do you always have to come at everything sideways?" Del Lamberto snarled the question and grabbed another gauze pad.
Margo Miln staunched the flow of blood, trying to get a look at the wound. "Pretty sure Robert here is happy I'm not sitting on top of him while we try to get this bleeding under control." They needed to find the piece of shrapnel imbedded in his thigh too.
Didn't help they were tucked up against the side of a mountain in a narrow pass. Also didn't bear discussing that an engineer shouldn't have been so close to the IED he'd designed when it detonated.
But her pay grade didn't include offering opinions on stupidity. At least not out loud during an emergency situation.
Del snorted. "Not what I meant and you know it. We'd have more room if you'd have let me move him like I suggested." He placed the clean pad on the wound and applied pressure.
Robert hissed out a breath and winced. Margo shook her head. They couldn't stop the blood flow if they didn't get the metal out.
And she'd be damned before she'd admit Del had a point about their limited space being a deterrent to patient care right now.
She grabbed a pair of forceps and nudged Del out of the way. "Let me in there, Del. Gotta remove whatever is causing this damage." She carefully prodded around in the gaping hole and finally landed on the offensive piece of metal.
Clamping the forceps, she gently pulled the sliver of… geez, seriously… mangled roofing material out of the area.
Del had another clean gauze pad ready and applied pressure immediately. "Gonna need to start a line ASAP. Can you manage?" His gaze judged the cramped confines of their work space.
She'd definitely manage, but she cursed her lack of foresight in refusing to move Robert to a less cramped location.
Margo got the supplies ready. "Yeah, I've got this." She inserted the needle but missed the vein.
Del quirked an eyebrow, no words necessary. Did she really have this or were they actually fucked?
Doubling down, Margo hit the mark on her second attempt. "There. Told you." She secured the IV tubing to Robert's hand. "Working in less than stellar conditions is part of the reason we're out here." As if she needed to remind Del the purpose of being deep in the mountainous region, far from creature comforts and state-of-the-art equipment.
Del snorted. "Yeah, right. I still say—"
She cut him off. "I know, I know. If I came with instructions, your job would be a lot easier." Glancing up, she met his gaze. "Get over it, man. I'm not that hard to figure out." She placed the bag of fluids on Robert's chest then shoved the two equipment bags out of the way.
Robert glanced back and forth between them. "You two need to get a room."
Margo answered in unison with Del. "We've got one." They shared the medic quarters on base.
Robert rolled his eyes. "You're obviously not using it the right way." He sent Margo a pointed look.
She opened her mouth then snapped it shut. Nope. Totally not going there right now. And she resisted the urge to poke Robert's injury to make him shut up.
Del blinked and tilted his head to one side, looking intrigued and insulted at the same time. He started to comment then shook his head and shut up.
Thank the universe for small favors.
Margo prodded Del into action. "Backboard. Let's get him out of here."
Del grabbed the prototype for a new collapsible backboard and slid the square shape under Robert's ass. Margo took hold of the handles at her end just beneath Robert's thighs and Del grasped his end directly below Robert's waist. With a nod, they pulled the board out to its full length, ready to secure their patient so they could drag him out and back to their base.
Robert flinched when they hefted him upward and navigated their way out of the narrow passage.
Margo gave him a small smile. "Hang in there, Robbo. I think I've got just the thing for you when we get back." If the timing worked out, the first batch of homebrew alcohol would be ready to test when they arrived.
Robert could keep Del from being the official guinea pig.

This one is fun to write. I love the challenge of creating snappy dialog and always hope I hit the mark.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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