Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Jingle Jangle Jingle

Happy spring holidays for those who celebrate. We're having a nice, quiet weekend with excellent weather for once.

Long work week but I got a lot accomplished. Should have one of my projects finished up this week and another ready to move on to the next phase. The third is in a holding pattern for now and we'll pick that one back up in about two weeks.

Had an okay week of watching television. I've also been working on the great clean out project again and that limited some of my viewing time.

I started out with Strangest Things. This show always entertains me with the wild and weird stuff they feature. The psychograph shed some light on at least one X-Files storyline for me.

Continued my rewatch of Battlestar Galactica with "Flesh and Bone." The reintroduction of the Leoben character is an excellent watch, even if I completely dislike that particular model of cylon. The acting is terrific in this episode.

Caught another episode of The Mandalorian. Nice to see the big bad from last season is still a big bad. Always great to see Carl Weathers. Loved Grogu's antics in this one. Can't wait to watch the next episode.

Watched another episode of Only Murders in the Building. Loved seeing the fan crew again. Not sure how I feel about bringing Jan back into the story but I'm thoroughly enjoying the new wrinkle with Oliver and Teddy. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Jingle, Jangle, Jingle, a holiday-themed romance with a twist on a classic.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Work keeps getting in the way of Felicia Hammond and Marshall Greene being able to spend time together. When Marshall pulls off a holiday vacation package, they're excited to get away together. But Felicia is added to the schedule at the hospital and won't be able to go. Unknown to each other, both try to make the best out of the situation so they can have a happy holiday season.

And a snippety peek…

Marshall Greene fist-pumped the air. "You're not joking, are you? I can really have the house for a full week?" At Christmastime…

Cade Hampton, a friend of a friend, laughed. "I'm not joking. The Wallaces are going to visit family this year and won't be in the mountains. The house is yours."

Marshall leaned back in his chair. "Man, that's great. I can't wait to tell Felicia." They'd been trying to get away for months.

Cade provided more information. "I'll email the directions and instructions. They'll accept a deposit to hold the date and you can send the balance a week ahead of time." He paused a moment. "They'll leave the keys at the hardware store in the village. They've got a system prearranged with the owner."

Marshall agreed to get the deposit into the Wallaces’ account by the end of the day. "I'll transfer the funds electronically then email to confirm receipt." He needed to get something special in for a late dinner to surprise Felicia.

Cade signed off. "Sounds great. Let me know if you and Dan want to set up a wing night sometime soon. We can catch a hockey game in the bar." Dan Burk being the friend that put Marshall in touch with Cade.

Marshall loved the idea. "Will do. Felicia will be working nights next week. I'll have Dan reach out when he's free." After ending the call, he quickly texted Felicia. "Hey, don't pick anything up for dinner. I'll have it ready and waiting for you."

While scrolling through options on his phone, he grinned. Snagging the house nestled in the mountains for the holiday couldn't be a better gift for themselves. They tried getting to the beach over the summer, but he'd been called out of the state for a consulting job. He could work from anywhere, so he had more flexibility with his schedule. But the rare occasion of getting called directly to a site messed up their vacation plans. Felicia ended up going with two of her friends. Dan's significant other and their college roommate. All three women were on staff at the local hospital and ended up being able to book the time off together.

Marshall found the menu he wanted and quickly placed an order for delivery at seven. He'd have time to get the entrees plated up and on the table before Felicia arrived home. Opening his banking app, he made a transfer to the Wallaces then got up to head for a shower. On the way his phone pinged with an incoming text. His lips curved when he read the message.

"Sounds wonderful. Hope you ordered from Mamie's."

He chuckled … because he did.

I'm not completely certain where this one is going to go, but it's something of an update on an old holiday classic.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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