Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Just Dance

Had a wild week with several work projects coming in hot and taxiing on the runway. Also had some wild weather, which isn't a big shock. We're supposed to be chilly again sometime next week, which I'm not looking forward to.

Very slow week of viewing. Between the work projects, weather, and an award ceremony for my daughter's university, I didn't get a lot watched.

I did get another episode of Pennyworth watched and, ugh, it kind of broke my heart. The fallout is not going to be pretty, I'm sure.

Watched one of my very favorite episodes of Battlestar Galactica with "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down." Seriously, the acting in this episode is beyond stellar. The dinner party from hell has to be one of the funniest scenes in the entire series, which okay, might not be saying much because the subject matter of the series isn't always open to humor. But kudos to the writers for working it in whenever they could.

I also started a new episode of Wednesday and I'm definitely settling in and enjoying the wild ride. The snark is top notch and Wednesday's quest to find answers that keeps generating more questions intrigues me. I love this show.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Just Dance, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

When Kevin Hale returns home to help his family put their craft brewery on the map, he has to work with Alice Frank—the girl he left behind—to launch an event to benefit local businesses in a slow summer month. Alice is wary of getting involved with Kevin again—his wanderlust is well-known and she's definitely a hometown girl—but his creativity spurs hers and she takes a chance that he'll stick around this time.

And a snippety peek…

"Happy Hills Farm Brewery, how can I help you today?"

Kevin Hale grinned at the greeting from his mom. "Mom? That's a great opening salvo. How's everything going? How's Benj working out?" He grabbed his bag from the luggage conveyor.

Brenna Hale sighed. "Oh, Kev. I'm so glad you called. Benj is actually wonderful. He's teaching your brothers all his trade secrets to brewing excellent ale." Her voice lowered. "But we need more business. I'm getting concerned about paying the property taxes."

Kevin exited the baggage claim area and made his way to the rental car kiosk. "I know, Mom. I have an idea about that. I'll fill you in when I get home. I'm picking up a rental now, so give me an hour, maybe ninety minutes." Then he'd be home for good.

Brenna's tone brightened. "You're so close. It'll be good to see you again." She chuckled. "Well, you know what I mean. FaceTime and Zoom aren't the same as having you home."

He smiled. "I know, Mom. Tell Frank and Vince I'd like to have everyone together for dinner. Maybe we can hit the Warehouse?" Nostalgia filled him … the old brick restaurant had been their favorite while growing up.

Brenna promised his brothers would be available, and Benj, who'd become an honorary family member. Kevin thanked his lucky stars Benj Heinmiller agreed to pull up stakes and move to the US and share his wealth of knowledge for brewing a smooth ale in a variety of flavors. Their chance meeting at a conference for craft beers had been the best thing to happen during Kevin's long journey to discover what he wanted from life.

Kevin ended the call and picked up his rental. Before heading out of the parking lot, he pulled up his email app and sent an inquiry to the local chamber of commerce to request a meeting with their head of event planning at their earliest convenience in the following week if possible. He included his contact information and the brewery's. If he could get the chamber on board with his idea, he'd consider it a win.

And he needed one. He wanted to start off on the right foot with his return home. Because he'd come to stay.

After traveling the world, he wanted to explore familiar surroundings again. "Long past time I put down some roots to see what sprouts."

This one is in the very beginning stages of coming together and I'm excited to see where things go.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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