Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Unacceptable Behavior

Whew! What a week. It's been something of a wild ride. My daughter starts graduate school in Athens the week of August 25, and we're still trying to figure out her financial aid. She's headed to Ontario Canada this week for a theater festival, which is what she'll be getting her master's degree in. My work inbox is overflowing! I'm so grateful for all the new projects but also a little daunted by how much I have stacked up and waiting for me to get to. My car also has an issue that we're hoping is not the computer. I'll know more on Monday. Ugh!

I didn't get much done on the viewing front. Too many things needed my focus elsewhere. Between the phone calls for school and car problems, my brain turned to mush. Bleh.

I did get an episode of Best in Paradise in. I enjoyed it again. It's fun to have the introductions from the cast members.

I also got to watch the closing episode of Death in Paradise season eight. A very interesting and twisty episode with a really cool gesture at the end from the commissioner.

And I also finished up the main draft of a holiday manuscript I've been working on for, geez, almost a year. The sages finally cooperated and threw a bunch of ideas out. I'm so happy about that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Unacceptable Behavior, a novella that brings friends from high school together after going in different directions after graduation.

Here's the miniblurb:

Blain Donahue wants to buy into a fight club and decides to invest when he meets the main attraction, Roxane Kewes. He's known her a long time—since high school where she constantly got in trouble—and thinks it's great she's found an outlet for her unacceptable behavior.

And a snippety peek…

Roxane yawned and poured coffee into two mugs. "Hope he likes it black." She carried the cups into the bedroom.
Blain sat on the edge of the mattress, sorting through his clothes. He'd put his boxers on, but the rest of his uncovered body gave her more than enough to ogle … which she did before he glanced up to see her.
He stood and gave her a long look. "Where do you see this going? I mean is this going somewhere or just a nice interlude to eliminate sexual tension." His brows arched.
Roxane handed him a mug. "I'm not averse to going long-term, but twenty-four hours is a little soon to make declarations." She blew across the top of her brew and took a bracing gulp.
More to avoid making a declaration, because she really, really liked him. She kind of got how her mom always leapt before she thought too hard, though. Roxane could easily jump wherever Blain wanted her to go. And … she didn't want to think too hard about what that meant.
Blain took a long sip of coffee. "I don't disagree." He set the mug aside. "From our conversation last night, I assume we will be working together." His hands slid up under the long T-shirt she wore.
Roxane grinned. "I'll let Andy know later this morning." She ran her fingers along the waistband of his boxers. "You'll be a good fit at Fight Night." Tugging him to her bed, she worked his underwear down. "I think we'll do amazing things together." She kissed him before he stripped her shirt off.
Placing a knee between her thighs, Blain hauled her close and toppled them onto the mattress. "Amazing and unacceptable things, right?" His mouth ghosted over her shoulder, sending molten lust through her veins.
Roxane hooked a leg around his hip, drawing him closer. "It's like you live in my head." She lifted her hips, grinding against his hard length.
Blain didn't make her wait. He thrust forward, sliding deep and filling her. His lips met hers and she lost the ability to think … with the exception of finding anything unacceptable with him absolutely perfect.

This story is so much fun. There might be a twist or two but nothing too angsty.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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