Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Under the Impression

Another crazy week with record low temperatures for August. I'm talking wear a jacket because it dipped into the low forties at night. This week we're supposed to be back up in the mid to high nineties. Weather is wild.

Seriously jammed with work projects right now and I love being busy. I'm at the point where I'd love to have another four hours added to each day, so I don't feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. Also had to figure out a few things for my daughter's grad school, like how to drop a class and add a new one before the semester starts, which is Monday. As mentioned last week, she was in Ontario Canada for a theater festival and didn't have a lot of downtime. The good news is, she's set to go. Yay!

I didn't have a lot of viewing time this week. The verdict on my car is still out and that's been hovering in the back of my mind and distracting me. My work projects also need my full attention.

I did get to watch an episode of Elementary and ended up enjoying it. I skipped the one that I struggled to get through. I'd rather have forward momentum than get stuck and drop the show.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Under the Impression, a novella where the characters come together once they get past some false impressions.

Here's the miniblurb:

Gris Ravenswood, owner of the hot night spot, Impressions, has it bad for his lead bartender, Kari Dans, but she's in a casual relationship with a semi-pro golfer. When Kari imbibes too much at an after party and puts the moves on Gris, he thinks he's finally got a chance … until Kari receives a text and runs off to be with the guy who always leaves her behind.

And a snippety peek…

Kari wiped the bar down on Friday night. "Man, busy week." The steady growth thrilled her.
Gris had turned Impressions into a happening spot. The Thursday night crowd almost matched Friday's. He'd taken her suggestion to add a dart league and it turned out to be a hit with the customers. And brought patrons in on a night that used to be hit or miss.
Her lips curved. "Gris should join one of the teams." The man had skill.
She'd arrived just after he had the boards installed and he'd taken a trial run. He had excellent form … not that she actually knew much about what amounted to good form. What she did know? His biceps were amazing. And his forearms. And, quite frankly, his ass.
She blinked and shook her head. "Geez, Kari, chill." Okay, she found the man very attractive.
But she tried to steer clear of workplace romances. Besides, she had a guy she enjoyed a lot. Even if Gris seemed to find Bernie lacking. The crack about what her boyfriend did on the weekends came from nowhere. Then again, she really didn't know what Bernie did Friday through Sunday. She assumed he played practice rounds to prep for his tournaments during the week. Didn't matter. She didn't mind only seeing him two or sometimes three days a week.
She liked being casually committed and staying monogamous. She enjoyed doing her own thing without having to clear her schedule to accommodate anyone else. Not that she wouldn't if she ever fell hard for the right guy. Maybe that would be Bernie, but they definitely weren't there yet.
She rinsed the cleaning cloth and hung it on the rack to dry. Grabbing her inventory checklist, she scanned through the items and marked what the bartender would need for the opening shift tomorrow. After removing the list, she thought about taking it into Gris's office—the light showing through the crack of the door showed he hadn't left yet.
She shook her head. "Nah. I'll leave it on the bar in case he had one of the bar backs handle the restocking." Too many visual images of her boss were still running through her mind.
Putting her jacket on, she headed for the rear exit and her car. Two more days and she'd Bernie again…
She couldn't wait.

I like having a heroine who thinks she has it all together but learns the hard way she doesn't.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!



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