Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Quick Draw

Well, hello, March. So far, I'm still battling the stupid respiratory crud I thought I was over last week. It was just a little reprieve. That said, I do feel way better than I did three days ago when I had a moment where I thought death might actually be a better option than being sick. LOL Then I remembered to not be a ninny and get over myself. In the grand scheme of things, a stupid recurring cold won't last forever.

I did have a decent week of television viewing. Started off with a weird episode of Lexx that I honestly don't remember if I finished or not. Cold meds make things a wee bit fuzzy.

Followed up with an episode of Strike Back and, man, did they cram a lot of stuff into a single episode. I love that about this show. So much goes down it's hard to keep up.

Started an episode of Midsomer Murders while doing laundry. One of the best things I've ever done is add a television to my laundry room. Makes the chore of sorting and folding much more enjoyable.

Watched the first episode of Iron Fist's new season. While the pace is a little slow, I loved catching up to where everyone is. Joy is the biggest surprise that isn't actually a surprise. It'll be interesting to see where she ends up by the end. And Ward just fascinates me. Looking forward to seeing him work through all of his issues. Or not. LOL Danny and Colleen are terrific and I'm curious about how the episode ended. Danny's got some internal drama to work through or so it seems.

Chicago Fire had a great episode. I'll be really pissed if anything happens to Cruz's Chloe. Here's hoping that works out okay. The way the episode ended though, with Matt's place in flames, doesn't bode well for him.

Gotham had such a great episode. The ending though? Holy crap. I did not see that coming. I'm actually loving this season so much.

Caught another Classic Roswell episode and it's one of my favorites where Liz's grandmother suffers a stroke and doesn't make it. Michael being sneaky is such a not-Michael thing and I loved it, too.

Watched another episode of Arrow and I'm slowly but surely getting caught up. A great theme about what being a hero entails. Also liked getting confirmation that Stanley's a weasel. Loved Oliver's face when that realization kicked in. Also watched another episode of Murdoch Mysteries. I loved seeing some of the secondary characters shine in this one.

Caught a few episodes of Classic Who while attempting to get through the huge stack of dishes I have waiting to be washed. Being down with the sickness doesn't mean those buggers wash themselves. Bleh.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Quick Draw, a sexy short that started with the idea of how first impressions aren't always what they seem.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Utah Slace has a constant stream of male visitors coming and going from her apartment and Hoyt Lancelot, her neighbor, draws the quick conclusion he's moved in next to a prostitute. Utah decides he needs a lesson in why making snap judgments is not a good idea.

And a snippety peek…

Utah Slace finished hammering the canvas to frame that took up most of her wall. "Morse is gonna love this." She stepped back to admire the empty visual space.
Morse Morrison. Man, what a tough nut to crack. But she'd finally had a breakthrough with him. Easels didn't cut it for the big, beefy former soldier. He needed a huge expanse to work with, a place to pour out everything locked away in his mind. The trauma of four deployments to active military zones found an outlet through art therapy and holistic counseling, her specialty and chosen profession.
Utah checked the floor-to-ceiling drapes she'd installed to cover the huge canvas. The soothing blue panels whisked along the track and covered the big, empty space waiting to be filled color and emotion. She couldn't wait to show Morse.
After checking her phone for messages, she had just enough time to grab a quick dinner before Morse's appointment. "Corner deli, here I come." Zipping up her sweatshirt, she flipped the hood over her head and left her apartment.
She exited the building and shook her head. This morning's rain continued to fall in a miserable drizzle. Which meant she might have longer sessions with her clients. The shitty weather often brought on bouts of depression or aggravated old injuries.
Intent on getting to the corner and back, she kept her head down and moved quickly. When she slammed into a couch, she finally glanced upward. Two movers had the piece of furniture blocking her path.
Utah flushed hotly. "Um… sorry. Totally wasn't paying attention." She sidestepped and let them through. "Man, I feel for you guys. What a crappy day for your line of work." Yellow slickers covered their dark blue uniforms, but their boots showed signs of trudging through mud.
The larger of the two lifted his chin in acknowledgment. "This is our last load. Thankfully this guy doesn't have a lot of stuff." He shifted his position and turned around to lead the sofa through the doorway.
His partner did a one-shoulder shrug. "He already gave us an extra tip so we're good here." He disappeared through the entrance.
Utah continued down the sidewalk and made the turn for the deli. "Looks like I'm getting a new neighbor." The building had two empty units, one on her floor and one in the lower level.
Might be nice to have another tenant. Then again, she'd probably have to go through the whole explanation of what she did for a living. Unless Mrs. Bonice sang Utah's praises, which the landlady often did.
Utah's stomach rumbled and she put aside any thought that didn't involve turkey and bacon on whole wheat with some hearty soup on the side.

It won't take long for Utah to meet her new neighbor and, no, Mrs. Bonice didn't have time to sing Utah's praises yet.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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