Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Quitters Never Cheat

Man… another week full of crazy sauce. In all honesty, I could do with a bit of slowing down and a tiny amount of smooth sailing. That said… I won't hold my breath. And it's not like anything majorly negative is going on. It's only being busier than I normally am.

Not a bad week in television. My current obsession with Roswell, New Mexico continues and I rewatched the first nine episodes. This week's episode didn't disappoint and my conspiracy theory side is having a heyday about the fourth alien. I'm such a big fan of how… messy… the relationships are. Awkward interactions abound and I'm totally here for watching all that unfold. So far, I'm also a big fan of how those touchy moments are being portrayed. I love how the core characters are letting the subtext shine and mixing it with lots of snark and offbeat comments. This show… if you're not watching it, give it a whirl. You won't be disappointed.

Caught another episode of Murdoch Mysteries and loved how the show title got worked into the book William and Julia are writing. It makes me wonder if the twelfth season might be the last. If so, I'll fondly say goodbye and look forward to rewatching from the start.

Watched the Arrow "Unmasked" episode and thoroughly enjoyed. I should be to the point where I can catch up on the crossover event with The Flash and Supergirl. I'm behind on The Flash but, sadly, I don't miss it as much as I thought I would.

Caught a great episode of Painkiller Jane. I remembered this one and enjoyed the second viewing. I actually wouldn't mind a reboot or reimagining of this concept at some point.

Started from the beginning of Peter Gunn and watched the first two episodes. I finally found another streaming source that has all of the first season episodes. This is such a great show to watch when the mood to write noir strikes me.

Watched another episode of Underbelly: Razor. Things move fast in this series and I kind of enjoyed watching Kate get served even when she did the right thing. Communication would go a long way in her world. Tillie and Nellie are probably next and I'll look forward to seeing how the cracks and chips start showing in their armor too.

Caught one of my favorite episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles. I truly loved how Jessie's gambit finally got revealed and the sole purpose she brought Riley back to the past came into play. And I also liked how Derek is finally edging toward knowing they're working at cross purposes. Good stuff.

Watched the final episode of Birds of Prey and I'm glad I took the time to rewatch this single season show. The last scene is more than worth watching the entire series for.

Started the sixth episode of Strike Back's sixth season. Gotta say the Mac and Wyatt interactions are terrific in this episode. Also love Coltrane's bits so far. I really want to see him rip into the DEA agent for blowing their cover. He's too smart not to know she had a big ass hand in doing that.

And that's it for this television this week. Tonight's post is from Quitters Never Cheat, a novella that started with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Robbin Rhayne, a talented sculptor, believes she has to suffer for her art. Ewan Arthur makes her almost reconsider the concept—sex has never been better with anyone—until he wants more and she won't commit. Several years later she runs into Ewan again and the spark is still there… too bad they're both in relationships with other people.

And a snippety peek…

Ewan waited five minutes after seeing Stan drag Robbin into the cabana. He didn't like the dark thundercloud look on the guy's face. He'd check to make sure she could hold her ground then take off. No need to stay since Stephie had given him the thumbs-up after meeting with her bosses.
Making his way to the cabana, he poked his head inside and saw red. "I suggest you let go of her before things get out of hand here." Stan had a hard grip on Robbin's forearm and a firm grasp on her shoulder.
Stan tossed an angry look over his shoulder. "Who the hell are you?" His fingers tightened on Robbin's arm. "This is none of your business."
Ewan whipped his phone out and hit the record button. "I'm making it my business. Mind if I record this in case the lady decides to file assault charges?" Mother fucker better let go soon or Ewan's fist would be flying.
Stan whirled around, dragging Robbin in front of him. "Butt the fuck out, asshole. The lady happens to be my girlfriend and she won't be filing any charges. Not like she'll even remember what happened." He sneered in her direction.
Ewan resisted the urge to faceplant the guy on the nearest flat surface. "Kind of my point, dickhead. Look. At. Her. Arm." Chafed and red from his grip, no doubt she'd bruise up tomorrow.
Stan glanced at Robbin's arm and let go, wheeling away from her. "Shit. Shit. I didn't mean to hurt her. She got up in my face and then started—" He broke off, probably realizing how stupid he sounded. "Doesn't matter. I didn't mean to hurt her." He flicked his gaze in Ewan's direction. "Do you really need to save that recording?"
Ewan barely kept his mouth from dropping open. "Uh, yeah. Unless she tells me to delete it, it's staying on my phone." He moved forward, putting himself between Robbin and her asshole boyfriend. "You okay?"
Her gaze glanced toward him but didn't stay. She nodded, rubbing her arm and rolling her shoulder. "I just want to go home."
Stan growled. "Well, I'm not ready to leave yet, so you're stuck, babe." He made a move toward her again.
Ewan held up a hand. "I don't think so, buddy. You can fuck off if you think she's going back out there." Seriously, she could barely stand up straight. "She can't even function right now."
Stan snorted. "Not my problem. Maybe if she didn't try to drink the entire bar in one sitting, she'd be in better shape."
Ewan bit back his anger. "You might consider why she did that." The whole group heard Stan's less than supportive stance on her work. "Can't you see how much pain she's in?" And, maybe Ewan needed to own his part in making her hurt.
Stan blinked. "From what? I barely touched her."
Ewan begged to differ. "I've got video proof that says otherwise, but I'm talking about the total lack of respect you showed her out there, man. Everyone's talking about it."
Stan glanced toward the pool area. "Fuck. That's just perfect. She brought all that on herself." He flicked a gaze in Robbin's direction. "Find your own way home. I've got damage control to do." Ducking out of the cabana, he didn't even look back.
Robbin swayed forward, her knees buckling, and Ewan caught her before she hit the ground. "Hey, let's get you out of here. I'll call a cab to get you home."
Her eyes filled with tears but she blinked them away. "Yeah, thanks." She stood and straightened her shoulders then swayed again. "I screwed everything up." Her eyes slid closed and she tilted to one side.
Ewan tucked her against his shoulder while dialing for a cab. "Come on, Robs. Let's get you home."
And just like that… he ended up smack in the middle of her world again.

I'm quite happy with how this story is unfolding. Robbin and Ewan are complicated characters and finding their way back to each other is a challenge… and fun to write.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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