Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Rescue Me

Well… May is starting out with a crazy-busy schedule. I've got two new projects underway along with my regular work. That said, I love being busy so I won't complain.

I got to spend time with two of my best friends from high school. It's so much fun to catch up with them and we're hoping to make this a several times a year thing. Good food and terrific wine… a fabulous way to spend an evening.

Had a semi-decent week of television viewing. I started out with an episode of Blade: The Series and discovered I'd missed this one. Glad I caught up with it… it had several good pieces of information in it.

I caught the penultimate episode of Strike Back and, wow, as usual, it delivered. Gotta say I'm sad we didn't get to see Coltrane in action between the sheets, especially considering we've seen almost everyone else.

Also watched another episode of Classic Roswell and it's another episode I thoroughly enjoyed but didn't quite remember fully. I love revisiting this series.

Caught another episode of Arrow and got to finally discover Oliver's newest family member. The hits really do keep coming for Oliver and I love to watch him react to each one. Also starting to enjoy the futurescape a lot. I'm going to miss this show so much when it ends after the next season. But I'll look forward to having a dark Gotham to visit if Batwoman gets a pickup.

Watched the penultimate—a frequent refrain this week—episode of Murdoch Mysteries. I have to admit I'm disappointed with a couple of things. Miss Hart's seeming underhandedness is a big one and I'm holding out hope it's smoke and mirrors on that end. And, seriously, the character assassination of John Brackenreid makes my head spin. I truly hope the finale swings the pendulum back to normal.

The Murders had a terrific fourth episode. I like the little bit of mystery surrounding Kate and I definitely like Nolan's slow spiral. It looks like the next episode starts to address his issues and I'm totally there for it.

Caught the… you guessed it… penultimate episode of Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries and, man, I loved it! This show is so. Much. Fun. Seriously, I'm crossing every appendage I have that there might be a second season.

Watched the first part of Chicago Fire's crossover with Chicago PD. Haven't watched the police episode yet but really wanted to watch Cruz go undercover. I'm not quite sure what to think about Grissom's about face with Severied. That might not go anywhere good. Just saying.

Caught episode seven of Iron Fist and actually enjoyed it a lot. I'm sad to view what's going on with Danny and Colleen but I also think it's an interesting wrinkle in their relationship. Davos, as usual, irritates the ever loving crap out of me. I'm totally hoping Joy is making a long play to get her hands on the bowl but won't hold my breath. As usual, Ward and Misty entertained just by being on screen. I'll miss not having new episodes after this season ends.

Watched an episode of Painkiller Jane and it's another one I didn't get to see on the first run of the series. Glad I caught it. I do like how Jane finally accepts being part of the team and starts to consider them family.

And that's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Rescue Me, a novella that got its start with a two-word prompt of "let's roll".

Here's the mini-blurb:

After twenty-four hours of nonstop runs in two busy station houses, Skylar Darns and Hayes Parrison, two extremely good paramedics, are ready to throw in the towel and have someone rescue them. The one saving grace? They spend the day planning their anniversary celebration—one they may be too exhausted to attend.

And a snippety peek…

Hayes slammed the back door of the rig closed and walked into the station house. "She totally jinxed us." On shift two hours and the squad had been called out three times.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he withdrew it, finding a text from Skylar.
"I told you so." The smiley faces didn't have to be there, right?
He shot a quick reply back. "Yeah, yeah. Remind me to never doubt you." He added a heart symbol and a crying face.
After pocketing his phone, he laughed. "Figures she called it." He entered the lounge area and took a post by the door, leaning against the jamb.
Why bother sitting when he'd be leaving again soon? Pretty much a guarantee at this point.
Today's busy start reminded him of the day he met Shyler. They'd literally bumped into each other outside the hospital. He had sixty-one's backboard and she had fifty-three's c-collar. Their rigs were parked side by side and when he went to go around the door, he slammed into her. Thankfully, she grabbed on to the board and didn't end up on her ass. Which, yeah, he totally scoped out after they traded equipment and she climbed up into the back of the ambulance to stow the board.
She angled her head around and sent a smirk in his direction. "It's the pants. I don't know what it is about this line of uniforms, but everyone's ass looks terrific." Her eyebrows waggled up and down. "Male or female." She fanned herself.
He laughed, completely smitten. "Hayes Parrison." He thrust his hand out. "Are you new at sixty-one?" He hadn't seen her around before.
She grasped his palm. "Skylar Darns. Not new, but I'm working a different shift. Started out on A and took the new slot on C." Her smile lit up the back of squad.
He nodded. "Right. Lambo retired a few months ago. I'd forgotten." His partner rolled the cot out of the ED and headed in their direction.
Hayes wanted to stick around and get to know Skylar a little better. He liked her cheeky sass. Too bad her partner followed close behind his.
He braced an arm on the top of the door. "We should meet for coffee sometime. I can let you know who's who on C-shift." Lame, right? But she might go for it.
Her lips curved in a knowing grin. "I've got plans tomorrow, but we could me at Shifty's at the end of our next workday." She turned to make some room for her partner to stow their equipment.
He could wait a few days to see her outside of work. "Sounds good. I'll see you there." He started for his ambulance. "If you can't make it, or change your mind, my number's on the cover sheet." The station houses had a log of paramedics who would work a block of time when people needed to take emergency personal leave.
She flashed a grin. "Same. If anything comes up, let me know." Reaching out, she pulled the door shut and the rig started up.
He made his way back to his unit and flipped his smirking partner off before helping him load the cot. Duane didn't let Hayes off the hook, demanding to know what he had planned with the hot woman from station sixty-one.
Tones dropping put Hayes on alert and dispatch announced another call.
He made a dash for the ambulance and shook his head. "Gonna be a long day, Skylar."

I'm having a lot of fun with this one. I love having the quirky texts between characters.

That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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