Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Fuel for the Fire

Welcome to spooky month! October is one of my favorite months, even if it means holiday season is hiding around the corner. So far, we've had some fall-like weather and that's making me very joyful right now.

Had a semi-decent viewing week. Work projects are ongoing and I needed some quiet time to focus on those. But I made a full circuit of my standard streaming schedule.

Once again, Ted Lasso delivered a full-on episode. I'm nervously awaiting the moment when Rebecca reveals why she really hired Ted and dying to see the fallout. Keeley rules at being a mess but not staying that way. I love how she's absolutely not afraid of Rebecca because it never occurred to her to be so. This show. It's so good.

I tried to watch the behind the scenes feature for Brokenwood Mysteries but couldn't seem to get it to play. I'll try again this week.

Started a new show and watched the first episode of Suspects. So far, I'm hooked. I enjoyed the characters and watching the case unfold.

Finished up the second half of Silent Witness and liked the twist the episode took. I kind of thought I had the right killer but the history part I didn't quite see coming.

Caught another episode of Classic Who. I'm ready for the Doctor's reunion with Leftbridge-Stewart. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen in the next installment.

Watched another episode of Strangest Things. This one featured the enigma machine and delved into the history of how the encryption finally got cracked.

Finished the first season of The Book of Boba Fett and I have to say, I ended up loving this show! I hope there's another season.

Enjoyed another episode of Only Murders in the Building. What a mess Oliver and Mabel got into. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Started season nine of Peak Practice. Gotta say Andrew kind of annoys me when he darts off to figure himself out. I guess it's something of a character trait with him. Loved how Joanna and Sam held the line and got through the ordeal of having their patients down with an unknown virus.

Caught another MasterClass lesson with Roxane Gay. She focused on getting published and what to expect from the traditional side of publishing and also delved a little into the small, independent presses and self-publishing. Good information.

The Umbrella Academy had a stellar episode. Pieces are falling into place and plots mixed with subplots are popping up. Allison's concern about Leonard is definitely warranted and I'm very interested in what Vanya's power is. I loved the interactions with Five and Luthor and Klaus and Diego and, of course, the standoff with ChiChi and Hazel ended up being terrific. This show is amazing.

Started season three of Star Trek: Discovery. Gotta say I'm kind of blown away. Can't wait to have Michael back with her crew and hopefully with the addition of a few more members. Excellent premiere!

Finished off the week with Batman: The Animated Series and got another episode without a feature rogue's gallery villain. I really enjoy the slice of life ones.

I'm also in the midst of watching more Resisting Roots, a Passionflix original. I might have it finished up this week, but I won't make any promises.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fuel for the Fire, a novella featuring a couple brought together under harrowing circumstances.

Here's the mini-blurb:

A fire bug wants arson investigator Sadie Kyle's attention and burns the home and business Greg DeSoto to get it. When Sadie shows up to investigate, she hits it off with Greg, which only adds fuel to the fire for her pyromaniac. When Greg gets hit a second time, Sadie digs in and calls the burner out.

And a snippety peek…

Sadie's gut churned. A new sprinkler system. Greg Desoto's bar made the third fire in six months to have a similar set of circumstances.

She gave him a semi-straight answer. "To answer your question, yes, we're investigating as a possible arson. They call me in when a sprinkler system doesn't function." Especially when a total loss occurred.

An aid-worker walked by with a carrier of coffee and Sadie snagged two. She needed a moment to get her head wrapped around the possibility of a serial arsonist before she sat down with Desoto to get some answers.

Handing one of the cups to Greg, she angled around and perched her butt on the floor of the unit, leaning back against the open door. Her bulky bunker pants would make maneuvering around inside a huge pain in the ass. She placed her coffee on the floor under the cot and reached into her interior pocket for her small notebook and a pen.

She flipped to the first empty page then glanced in Greg's direction. "Mr Desoto, Greg, do you have any enemies who'd want to see you or your business harmed?"

Greg snorted. "Not likely. I've worked hard to establish good relationships with the other business owners around here. I picked this neighborhood because the majority of the owners live within a few blocks of their shops." His mouth twisted. "We pull together and sponsor block parties in the summer and a big holiday stroll on the weekends between Thanksgiving and New Year's. This doesn't only hurt me, it hurts them."

Sadie nodded and jotted down a few notes. She'd look into the other business owners as a precaution, but she had a strong feeling they'd all be cleared.

She stopped writing. "You mentioned a new sprinkler system. Who installed it?" She crossed her fingers, hoping her instincts were off base.

Greg answered. "Five Alarm Sprinkler Systems."

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Sadie closed her notebook, fighting the urge to snap her pen into pieces. "Thank you, Greg. I've got enough to get started and I still need to investigate the interior of the building." She needed to get the hell out of the ambulance and do her job. "Can I contact you through your insurance company?"

Greg nodded, his eyes narrowing a little. "I use a local agent—"

Sadie jumped in. "Kyle Addy?"

Greg's eyes widened. "Yeah, how did you…"

She cracked a brief smile. "I grew up in this neighborhood. Kyle's the best there is."

Greg's lips quirked. "He's a good man. He's actually on his way down. He wanted to make arrangements for a place for me to stay."

Sadie reached out, placing her hand on Greg's forearm. "We'll find whoever did this. I'm sorry for the loss of your business."

Greg gave her a twisted half-smile. "Not your fault, but thank you."

Sadie eased out of the unit, tucking her notebook back inside her pocket. Greg had it so wrong. The destruction and devastation of his livelihood might not be her fault, but she'd bet her pension part of the blame would land at her doorstep.

Sadie had a damned good idea who the culprit would turn out to be … and who he really had it in for.


I love this one! Sadie and Greg are meeting under terrible circumstances but it gets better … then worse.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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