Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Getting Schooled

Happy Almost Halloween! Gotta say it's been a week. Several work projects hit at once—which I'm not complaining about—and a couple of disasters decided to show up on my doorstep. It's been a low-bandwidth week for me.

I didn't get a lot of viewing time in, mainly due to the work projects and the distractions form the washing machine going kaput, a trip to the ED for one of my grown kiddos, and having another one out of town and calling to check in several times.

I did get a few things watched. Finished up the Umbrella Academy and, wow, didn't quite expect how things went down. Looking forward to seeing the next episode.

Caught some Classic Rugrats with the Thanksgiving episode. I'd actually forgotten about this one and I'm glad I got to watch it again. I might have to set up a bit of countdown and try to catch all the holiday episodes between now and the solstice.

Watched another Batman: The Animated Series. It's always fun when they have Alfred step out of his comfort zone and this episode definitely makes him stray. That's two in a row and I'm here for it.

Enjoyed an episode of Ted Lasso. I love Roy and Keeley so much. Nate is getting a wee bit annoying. Jamie is … I'm not sure. If he doesn't act like a raging ass, I might be able to stomach seeing him. LOL

Caught another episode of Suspects and loved how it all came together. Some really interesting bits popped and I love the pacing. Great show.

I started another episode of Endeavor but I'll have to finish it when I have higher brain capacity. It has a focus on the space race and I love that.

Watched the second part of Silent Witness and whew, this one ended up being very twisty. Kind of bummed about how it ended but not surprised.

Enjoyed another Classic Who episode. I like the setting for this arc and look forward to the next episode.

Sci Fi Science looked into how to blow up a planet. Had a lot of fun watching this episode. I love so much that fans are featured in each episode.

Started the next episode of Ms. Marvel and love it so far. I'm hoping to finish it up in the near future.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Getting Schooled, a novella that puts the characters in a position where they have to work together to save their summer camps.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Tamsin and Ike are resident leaders at neighboring summer camps. Tamsin works with upper crust girls and Ike has underprivileged boys. When a grant program director suggests bridging the gap, neither is very excited by the prospect, but once they meet, both get schooled in by how well the kids get along.

And a snippety peek…

Ike rolled to a stop outside of the main house, cut the engine, and lifted a hand in greeting to Hank Carlson. "Weird. He's not usually waiting on me to arrive." Popping the door, he slid out from behind the wheel.

Hank made his way down the porch steps and Ike's gut churned. Something's not right here. He met the owner at the end of the sidewalk.

Hank didn't mince words. "We've got a problem. A big one."

Ike frowned. "Is something wrong with Joe or Lanie?" Joe didn't usually arrive until the second week, but Lanie worked as Hank's right hand.

Hank shook his head. "No, they're fine. Well, Lanie is. Joe's okay, too, but he won't be working at the camp this year." He nodded toward the house. "Why don't you come in and I'll explain."

Ike followed Hank inside the home. The utilitarian décor, with a few of Lanie's touches, hadn't changed much in the time Ike had known the family. Hank went directly to the office and settled behind his desk. Ike took a chair facing him and stayed quiet, giving the older man time and space to speak his piece.

Hank sighed. "The grant committee contacted me earlier today. They've got a shortfall and it's either us or Seneca this year. That's why Joe isn't working here this summer. He'll be going full-time with the delivery service." He paused and took another deep breath. "Without grant funding, we won't be able to operate. I can't cancel, not with the short notice, but I can't cover expenses for the camp, not without running the risk of losing everything." He shook his head. "I should've prepared better and waited to make the improvements to the—"

Ike cut in. "You didn't know this would happen. Don't blame yourself." He leaned forward. "What can I do to help? When will the committee make a decision?" They'd better do it soon, camp started in two days.

Hank huffed out a breath. "They want to have a meeting with the Wintersons tomorrow morning to decide which camp gets the funds." He leaned back in his chair, his gaze roaming slowly around the room.

Ike didn't like the air of defeat coming from Hank. "Look, why don't you and Lanie focus on getting everything ready, keep things business as usual. I'll do some brainstorming and put together a list of reasons Camp Carlson deserves the funds." He might as well put his education to good use.

Hank brightened up. "You'd do that? And maybe meet with the group?" Hope filled his voice.

Ike gave a nod, even if he flinched on the inside. "I'll do my best." He never enjoyed being a stand-in, but he didn't want to let Hank down.

And he wanted the boys to have a shot at a fun summer.

Hank stood and came around the desk. "I can't thank you enough, Ike. Why don't you take the head cabin? I'll have the other counselors bunk in one of the camper cabins."

Ike got to his feet. "Sounds good. It'll give me some room to spread out a little and get something together." He gave Hank a quick pat on the back. "I'll get started now."

Hank walked Ike to the door and thanked him again. Ike accepted graciously and spent the time unloading his jeep turning ideas over in his mind. He thought about using one of the laptops to put a spreadsheet together, but didn't want to give the impression the Carlsons had money to spare.

Instead, Ike raided the supply closet for some folders, a dry-erase board and markers, and a ream of paper. He worked on a creative display that listed out the benefits of keeping Camp Carlson in business and the drawbacks to forcing them to close. After neatly stacking the files and covering the white board, he yawned and stretched the kinks out of his muscles.

"I hope this is enough."

Exhausted, he crawled into bed and set an early alarm.

I'm having a lot of fun with this story. Ike and Tamsin will learn a lot of new things about their campers and each other.


That's it for this week. Happy reading!


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